Posidonia 2022 – ECSA Prez: Greek shipping has set the stage for divestment from fossil fuels08ΙούνPosidonia 2022 – ECSA Prez: Greek shipping has set the stage for divestment from fossil fuels
Greek PM Mitsotakis opens Posidonia 2022 shipping exhibition07ΙούνGreek PM Mitsotakis opens Posidonia 2022 shipping exhibition
A taste of ancient Greece for ‘Anemones’, the Greek Women of Northern Suburbs club06ΙούνA taste of ancient Greece for ‘Anemones’, the Greek Women of Northern Suburbs club
ERT World: Greek Independence Day Parade New York03ΙούνERT World: Greek Independence Day Parade New York
Supply issues force another postponement of Darwin’s Mini GleNTi03ΙούνSupply issues force another postponement of Darwin’s Mini GleNTi
Cretan Brotherhood of Western Australia remembers Battle of Crete02ΙούνCretan Brotherhood of Western Australia remembers Battle of Crete
They met at Greek school; Now they are bringing ‘Antigone’ to Australia01ΙούνThey met at Greek school; Now they are bringing ‘Antigone’ to Australia
Monkeypox: “It is not like Covid-19”, said Prof. Magiorkinis29ΜαΐMonkeypox: “It is not like Covid-19”, said Prof. Magiorkinis
Draft bill includes provision for observatory to analyze ‘hybrid threats’, use of drones28ΜαΐDraft bill includes provision for observatory to analyze ‘hybrid threats’, use of drones
A family event this weekend for Open Horizons: Ancient Greek Journeys and Connections at Melbourne Museum27ΜαΐA family event this weekend for Open Horizons: Ancient Greek Journeys and Connections at Melbourne Museum
GCM announces subsidised summer camp for young adults to Thessaloniki and Northern Greece26ΜαΐGCM announces subsidised summer camp for young adults to Thessaloniki and Northern Greece
‘Australians have voted for change’, says the country’s 31st Prime Minister24Μαΐ‘Australians have voted for change’, says the country’s 31st Prime Minister
Greek Australians in the 2022 Federal Election: Winners and Losers23ΜαΐGreek Australians in the 2022 Federal Election: Winners and Losers
Music composer ‘Vangelis’ Papathanasiou dies aged 7920ΜαΐMusic composer ‘Vangelis’ Papathanasiou dies aged 79
Jean Claude Juncker honorary member of the Academy of Athens19ΜαΐJean Claude Juncker honorary member of the Academy of Athens
PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ historic speech to Joint Session of US Congress18ΜαΐPM Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ historic speech to Joint Session of US Congress
Greek – Australian writers to be showcased next month at Greek Festival of Sydney16ΜαΐGreek – Australian writers to be showcased next month at Greek Festival of Sydney
Pontian Genocide: Melbourne’s Greeks remember 103 years since the slaughter and uprooting of its people15ΜαΐPontian Genocide: Melbourne’s Greeks remember 103 years since the slaughter and uprooting of its people
Senator Raptakis and Hellenic American Legislators call on Congress to reject sale of F-16s to Turkey14ΜαΐSenator Raptakis and Hellenic American Legislators call on Congress to reject sale of F-16s to Turkey
Federal Labor member Vamvakinou wants equality of opportunity14ΜαΐFederal Labor member Vamvakinou wants equality of opportunity
Συνέντευξη κ. Προκόπη Παυλόπουλου στην NAFTEMPORIKI TV και στον δημοσιογράφο κ. Λάμπη Ταγματάρχη4 Μαρτίου 2025
Μαλιωτείο Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο: Ένας “κόμβος του Ελληνισμού και κυψέλη της Ορθοδοξίας”25 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Συνέντευξη του Προέδρου της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών καθηγητή Μιχαήλ Τιβέριου στην Panhellenic Post21 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Γ. Μπλιώκας: «Συνεχίζουμε να χτίζουμε ουσιαστικές σχέσεις για το μέλλον της ελληνοαυστραλιανής κοινότητας»13 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Η Κοσμήτωρ της Σχολής Επιστημών Αγωγής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων, Ν. Τσιτσανούδη μιλάει στην PΗΡ28 Ιανουαρίου 2025
Αφιέρωμα: 15 Αυγούστου, οι Ιταλοί βυθίζουν με τορπίλη το καταδρομικό «Έλλη» στο λιμάνι της Τήνουαγαπημένα άρθρα
Τα εγκαίνια της Ανθοκομικής Έκθεσης Κηφισιάς επανέφεραν το χρώμα στη ζωή των Αθηνώναγαπημένα άρθραΕΠΙΚΑΙΡΟΤΗΤΑ
Οι μαθητές της Νάπολης τιμούν την “Ημέρα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας”αγαπημένα άρθραΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ-ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΑ-ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ