Andreas T. Stamboulidis Parthenon AHEPA Chapter 495 Honors Community Member

WHITESTONE, NY: . – The Andreas T. Stamboulidis Parthenon AHEPA Chapter 495 held a ‘Laiki Vrathia’ Fundraising Event in advance of Holy Lent at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church of Whitestone.
The event was very well attended by the local church community, the host chapter, the District 6 Lodge and the surrounding area AHEPA chapters and featured live Greek music and a full dinner. The Chapter honored Mr. Xenis Thoma for his support of the Chapter. Fr. Nicolaos Paros provided the benediction and welcoming remarks. Past Supreme Governor and Past Chapter President Ted Stamas served as the master of ceremonies and Chapter President Dimitris Skartsiaris served as the chairman
of the event. In attendance were Past District 6 Governors Chris Gallis, Mike Papaphotes and Petros Ragoussis, as well as District 6 Lt. Governor Gus Constantine, Warden Anastasios Stampolis, Director of Hellenism Billy Chrissochos, Director of Family and Individual Excellence Peter Argyropoulos, and Parade Liaison Paul Macropoulos.
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