Budget execution figures reveal primary surplus of almost 2.0 billion in January 2025

Αthens, Greece.- The State Budget Primary Balance for January 2025 amounted to a surplus of 1.98 billion euros, against a primary surplus target of 1.4 billion euros, according to figures on the execution of the budget on a modified cash basis released by the economy and finance ministry on Tuesday.
Tax revenues were 314 million euros – or 5.6% – higher than the target, with VAT accounting for almost half of the overperformance.
According to the ministry’s announcement, the data available for the execution of the state budget on a modified cash basis shows that the state budget balance for the period of January 2025 presented a surplus of 758 million euros, against the target of a surplus of 200 million Euros that has been incorporated for the same period of 2025 in the 2025 Budget introductory report and a surplus of 1,093 million euros for the same period of 2024.
It was noted that an amount of 418 million Euros which relates to the time differentiation of grants from ordinary budget and an amount of 202 million Euros which relates to the time differentiation of PIB payments, do not affect the General Government outcome in fiscal terms. Excluding these amounts, the state budget primary balance was close to the target.
It also noted that the primary balance in fiscal terms differs in comparison to the result in cash terms. Additionally, the aforementioned concerned the primary balance of the Central Administration and not of the whole of the General Government, which also includes the fiscal results of legal entities and of local government and public utility organisations.