Πεντακόσιοι χορευτές στο «M.D.F.» της Φιλαδέλφειας (Also in English)

Πεντακόσιοι και πλέον χορευτές και ερμηνευτές συμμετείχαν στο πρώτο τριήμερο Μουσικο – Χορευτικό Φεστιβάλ (Music & Dance Festival) της Μητροπόλεως της Νέας Ιερσέης, το οποίο έλαβε χώρα στην καρδιά της Φιλαδέλφειας.
Το φεστιβάλ αποτέλεσε ένα στοίχημα για τον Μητροπολίτη Νέας Ιερσέης, κ. Απόστολο και το οποίο κερδίσθηκε ένεκα των άοκνων προσπαθειών του προέδρου και συμπροέδρου της επιτροπής, π. Χρήστου Κόντου και π. Αναστασίου Μπουραντά, αντίστοιχα, της εκτελεστικής διευθύντριας Στέλλας Τσιφτσή, του συμβούλου της Μητροπόλεως της Νέας Ιερσέης, Άρχοντα Γιάννη Βασιλείου, καθώς επίσης των ηγετών των 35 κοινοτήτων και των χοροδιδασκάλων .
Το φεστιβάλ ξεκίνησε το απόγευμα της Παρασκευής, 14ης Φεβρουαρίου 2025 και ολοκληρώθηκε το βράδυ της Κυριακής 16ης Φεβρουαρίου 2025 με την τελετή απονομής των επάθλων και των αναμνηστικών δώρων σε όλους τους διαγωνιζόμενους.

Ο μητροπολίτης Νέας Ιερσέης, κ. Απόστολος, ενώ ευλογεί τις τούρτες. Φωτογραφία: Douglas John Photography
Παραθέτουμε το πλήρες κείμενο της ανακοίνωσης τύπου της Μητροπόλεως της Νέας Ιερσέης το οποίο εκδόθηκε στην αγγλική γλώσσα.
On the weekend of February 14-16, 2025, the vision of His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey came into fruition as the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey held the First Ever MDF (Music & Dance Festival) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After over a year of meticulous planning and preparation the MDF under the leadership of the chairman, Fr. Christ Kontos, the co-chairman, Fr. Anastasios Bourantas, Managing Director, Mrs. Stella Fisfis, and Metropolis Council Advisor, Archon John Vasiliou came to life in the city of brotherly love for a tremendous weekend of faith, fellowship and love for our rich Hellenic Culture.
Over 500 excited youth singers and Greek Folk Dancers from every region of the sacred Metropolis of New Jersey descended on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Together, with their parents, grandparents, friends and supporters over a thousand people participated in the inaugural MDF weekend.
Friday evening was busy navigating check-ins and registration as faithful were settling in for the evening. Saturday morning began early with a triumphant MDF Opening Ceremony showcasing almost 500 youth from 35 parishes marching into the Grand Ballroom, parading across the vast stage with their parish banner. The ceremony proceeded with a welcome by His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey to our youth and a special honor for Fr Kosmas Karavellas, who formed the original Folk Dance Festival back in 1991 in Annapolis, Maryland. An Agiasmos service offered by His Eminence, assisted by the clergy of the Metropolis initiated and blessed the weekend.
Throughout the weekend the MDF participants offered over fifty performances were held in 3 ballrooms: hosting dance competitions from multiple age categories, liturgical choir presentations and exhibition dancers, entertaining family and friends throughout the day.
Participants and spectators were able to enjoy thousands of koulourakia baked and donated from Philoptochos chapters from the area and throughout the Metropolis. Shopping at various vendors boasting Greek wares in the open registration area together with a special booth showcasing our seminary, Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, were a welcomed delight. Traditional Frappes were also mixed for refreshment and much needed energy throughout the weekend

Saturday evening begging with dinner, after which an amazing Greek Glendi Night was held with a live Cretan Band, a Pontian Band and DJ Taso, a leading entertainer in the Mid-Atlantic area. His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey began the festivities by dancing, leading our youngest MDF participants in a Kalamatiano and soon after hundreds of other youth MDF participants joined in with “kefi”. The Philly Phanatic made a rare and surprise visit later in the evening, bringing even more enthusiasm to our young dancers.
Sunday morning began with His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos celebrating the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in one of the Sheraton Ballrooms, which had been converted into a Church, with the assistance of his Chancellor, the V. Rev. Nektarios Cottros, Archdeacon Dn. Konstantinos Loukas, and other clergy from throughout the Metropolis, allowing all of the MDF participants to come together to pray and to receive Christ as one family.
Following the Divine Liturgy, the faithful participated in an outreach program called “Case for Smiles”. This outreach creates colorful and fun pillowcases for children in hospitals throughout the country, bringing peace to their often, dreary hospitalizations. This was established in 1991 in the Philadelphia area and to date, three million pillowcases have been made, bringing smiles to young lives. Hundreds of our youth participated in “Case for Smiles” from 12-4pm and sewed pillows for youth in hospitals.
The day continued with many additional performances offered by the youth of the parish Greek Folk Dance Groups as the festival competition continued. Philly cheesesteaks were served that afternoon, introducing the Philly staple to our visitors from throughout the Metropolis.
A special occasion soirée was held Sunday evening with the Awards Banquet. His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey awarded beautiful glass trophies and hundreds of medals to the parishes and individuals in recognition of their most dedicated work and amazing performances. The evening culminated with the full ensemble of both bands, DJ and countless faithful Greek Orthodox Christians of all ages going into the evening hours celebrating the Inaugural Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey MDF.

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