Efforts continue to reduce flood damages aftermath in Volos & N. Evia on Saturday

Problems persisted in several areas in Thessaly and also in Evia island on Saturday after the onset of the recent storms ‘Daniel’ and ‘Elias’.
In the city of Volos, water supply remains cut off, while the smallest amounts of water that does reach homes albeit periodically is not safe to drink, it was reported. Free bottled water was being handed out on Saturday in Volos, while local authorities estimate that it will take another ten days to fully restore the supply of safe, drinkable water, according to Volos Mayor Achilleas Beos. Meanwhile, municipal crews and local residents were struggling to remove flood debris that covers vast areas in the city itself and even coastal areas.
In north Evia, road traffic is either entirely cut off or problematic in 17 key road points and intersections, where more than 100 earth machines and trucks are operating to open roads, Central Greece Governor Fanis Spanos noted on Saturday. Meanwhile, thousands of tons of flood debris have blocked access to homes and businesses in villages across north Evia, most predominantly in Rovies, Krya Vrisi and Oreous.
In the region of Thessaly, traffic has been restored on the Larissa-Farsala motorway, and also on the Larissa-Volos and the Farsala-Stavros-Domokos A-roads. In certain regions in Larissa city, however, residents were struggling to clear homes and businesses from flood debris, while public health concerns remain as people are reportedly in fear of infections from stagnant waters and livestock cadavers.
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