Moray & Agnew hit top five legal firms with women partners

Melbourne.- Moray & Agnew has risen from number eleven to number four and is now listed in the top five legal firms in the country with the highest percentage of women in partnership roles.
Forty-five percent of Moray & Agnew partners are now women.
Bill Papastergiadis, a Melbourne-based partner of the firm, and the president of the Greek Community of Melbourne, posted on his Facebook account that, “The Australian Financial Review named Moray & Agnew Australia’s most female-friendly law firm.”
Mr Papastergiadis wrote, “Moray & Agnew has historically advocated for women in leadership roles and makes conscious decisions to support women within every level of the firm.”
“We are proud to have a culture that promotes equal opportunity, embraces inclusion and harnesses the potential of diversity.” Mr Papasterfiadis said.
The AFR article said that Moray & Agnew was “only just pipped the much bigger Lander & Rogers (47.6 per cent), which named five women among eight new partners.”
It has a large insurance practice, like another top-five firm for women, Moray & Agnew, which has risen from 11th on the table in 2019.
Mr Papastergiadis said to Neos Kosmos that the increased number of female partners in the firm were part of a deliberate attempt to increase female representation.
The top three legal firms above Moray & Agnew with more women as a proportion of men in the firm were EY, Lander & Rogers, and KPMG.
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