Collecting Items and Financial Support for the Fire Victims of Greece

Photo: Meeting of Dr.Olga Sarantopoulos, World Secretary of SAE, President of the Hellenic Society of Austria with members of the Austrian community in Southern Pilion in order to organize the fire relief action. From left: DI Wolfgang Heiss, Diplom Engeneer, Dr.Olga Sarantopoulos, Mrs. Brigitte Karner and Mr.Peter Simonetschek both very known Austrian actors of the Renommed and very popular Burgtheater. 

The Hellenic Society of Austria and the Austrian Community of South Pelion Are Collecting Items and Financial Support for the Fire Victims of Greece

The catastrophic fires that are currently going on in our Homeland have left thousands of people homeless, countless animals have been lost and ecological disaster is inconceivable. Huge material damage has been caused to the forest areas and the properties of our fellow citizens.

The Hellenic Society of Austria in collaboration with Dipl.Ing.Wolfgang Heiss, the Austrian community of South Pelion, Greece appeals to all who wish to help the victims, to send aid in materials, clothing, footwear and clothing and various essential materials as well as and long-lasting foods.

Please send financial aid to the account of the Hellenic Society of Austria

Griechische Gesellschaft in Österreich

Austrian Volksbank

Account No. IBAN: AT684300084495970000


Purpose: Fire Greece

Thank you for your financial contribution as well as your moral support, we hope it will be a hope of relief to our fire-affected compatriots in Greece.

For further information, or to donate items contact

Dr. Olga Sarantopoulos, President of the Hellenic Society of Austria

O.Sarantopoulos at gmail dot com or +43 6763085313

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Olga Sarantopoulou DI Wolfgang Heiss