Post your suggestion to celebrate Greek Diaspora Day

The 25 June deadline is fast approaching for submissions from Greek expatriates for their suggestions for a day on which to celebrate Greek Diaspora Day.
In an open letter in May, Greece’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Diaspora Greeks, Konstantinos Vlasis, called for submissions on when to commemorate the roles members of the Diaspora played in the development of Modern Greece.
“Since the founding of the modern Greek State, Greeks everywhere have been an integral part of the evolution and progress of the Greek state,” the deputy minister wrote.
He drew on the roles played by Rigas Feraios and Adamantios Korais in Central Europe, the founding of the Friendly Society in Odessa in 1814, the launch of the Revolution in the Danube region in February 1821 to illustrate the influential roles played by Diaspora Greeks in history.
“In this initiative, we want you all to be participants and companions. I invite all Greek women and men to submit their proposals for the date of its celebration.”
♦ You have until Friday, 25 June, to make your submission to
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