Let’s go fly a kite! Yarraville’s St Nicholas Greek School celebrate the start of lent

Orthodox Easter celebrations are starting to kick off and joining in on the fun is St Nicholas Greek School in Yarraville.
The school will host its annual kite flying excursion to celebrate the start of Lent, called Kathara Deftera (Clean Monday) at Yarraville Gardens this coming Saturday, 13 March.
The annual event is celebrated by Greek children throughout the diaspora to commemorate the beginning of Lent and fasting in the Greek Orthodox church, 40 days before the beginning of Orthodox Easter.
The Greek school’s spokesperson Father Alexandros notes how Easter is one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar.
“The kites represent reaching for the divine and reaching for the skies, hence why the day is celebrated,” he said.
“The excursion is very popular with both children and parents who come along join in the festivities. Students also get to learn about fasting and have an opportunity to sample Greek food which is commonly eaten during the Lent period including lagana bread, olives, halva and taramosalata,” said Fr Alexandros.
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