Napoli e il Risorgimento greco – Mostre parallele ASNa

Between Naples and Athens
From today the Naples State Archive will preview the documents that will be exhibited on the occasion of the exhibition ′′ Naples and the Greek Risorgimento ′′ (Naples-Athens-Nicosia, March 15-28, 2021), with bilingual comment by Prof. Jannis Korinthios
′′ Historical Memories of the Siege of Missolunghi ′′ by Giovanni Romey and plants city fortifications designed by Romey himself, then head of Ibrahim Pasha’s army genius and eyewitness to the siege.
Naples State Archive, Bourbon Archive, envelope 899.
From the Memories of Ioannis Romei for the second siege of Messolonghi (ASNa, Bourbon Archive, 899, ” Bulletin of the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece “, 25, Athens 1982: The high school once and rich Messolonghi was nothing but a bunch of ruins. All men were crushed without any exceptions, women and girls crawled into slavery and Islamized. The Upper Porta was reacting to the wilderness transformed into a vast cemetery by the corpses. On April 11, 1826, 20 injured or sick Greek children and 52 old ladies were cruelly killed, others in the camp and others on the way to Krioneri, from their hard masters who couldn’t sell them they don’t give them not even to eat. Then they cut off their ears. History will deliver at the latest the glorious successes of Messolonghi heroes, but also the actions of the most unheard barbarism of Muslims.”
Photo: Angelica Lugli
Graphics processing: Armando Traglia
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