AHEPAN'S Supreme President Travels and Upcoming Events

Supreme President John Galanis visited the Dallas Chapter this past weekend rounding out his southern tour. This week Supreme President will be visiting Washington, DC to meet with Ambassador of Greece Christos Panagopoulos. The discussion will revolve about issues Greece is dealing with and the refugee issue. Later that evening the Supreme President will be traveling to Reading, PA to attend a dinner on honor of 6 AHEPA Chapters celebrating 90th Anniversary.
On Saturday November 14, 2015 Supreme Vice President Andrew C. Zachariades visited Power District #4 western workshop and attended the testimonial dinner for Past Supreme Governor James Gregorakis. Power District #4 District Governor Nick Voutsakis thanked the Supreme Vice President and made a wonderful speech of appreciation to Brother Gregorakis for the two years he spent traveling the District and bring the brotherhood closer.
On November 4th AHEPA Eagle Rock Chapter 375 hosted our annual District 5 Governor’s Visit. Current Governor Asteri Fanikos was joined by his fellow District Officers; Lt. Governor George Petrakakis, Secretary Zenon Christodoulou, Treasurer Jimmy Rozanitis, Marshall Steven Marmarou, Warden George Pappas and Athletic Director Ted Vittas. Each officer reported on upcoming events, ongoing National Fundraising projects and stressed the importance of participation by all AHEPA brothers in doing their part to both preserve and advance the Greek culture and traditions. We truly appreciate the dedication and leadership the District 5 Officers exhibit.

On Saturday November 14th, AHEPA Chicago Lakeshore Chapter #205 hosted the 2nd annual AHEPA Midwest Hellenic History Tournament.
The AHEPA Hellenic History tournament was founded in the New England area by AHEPA District #7. This is the seventh year for the tournament and the 2nd year in Chicago. The tournament provides a fun and unique way of enhancing the AHEPA mission; the promotion of Hellenism and Education. This year tournament was once again held at the world class facilities of Loyola University Chicago School of Law located in the heart of downtown Chicago. The facility usage was 100% donated at no cost by Loyola.
Upcoming Events
November 19, 2015
Supreme President visit Greek Embassy to discuss events in Greece with Ambassador Panagopoulos.
Supreme President attends
AHEPA District #4
6 chapters celebrating 90th Anniversary Dinner
December 5
Supreme President attends Saint Basil’s Christmas Open House in Garrison, NY
Chapter 405 Initiation West Chester, NY
January 3, 2016
Sunday, January 3rd, 2016,Citrus District 2 Epiphany Golf Tournament at Lansbrook Golf Club in Palm Harbor, FL
contact 727.639.3000 (cell) guspros@aol.com
January 5, 2016
AHEPA Family Epiphany Banquet in Tarpon Springs, FL
January 6, 2016
Epiphany, St Nicholas Church in Tarpon Springs, FL
Chicago Regional Banquet
Chicago, Il
Febraury 20, 2016
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