Τα ταξίδια του Προέδρου των ΑΧΕΠΑΝ'Σ/ Supreme President Travels

(photos courtesy of Alex Mavradis Athens Chapter #24)
On Friday November 5, 2016 Supreme President John W. Galanis visited Boston Chapter 24, hosts of the 2015 Biennial Regional Banquet. Over 250 members and friends of the Order of AHPEA jammed the Metropolitan center in Brookline, MA to hear CEO of Plum Enterprises, Robert Badavas give his remarks on the wonderful work AHEPA does. Supreme President Galanis was thrilled to have such a remarkable individual receive the Academy of Achievement in Business and deliver such gracious remarks about the AHEPA.
Co-Chairman C. Calliontzis and Awardee Badavas (photo By Alex Mavridis)
Co-Chairmen Constantine Calliontzis, PSG and Alex Geourntas, PSG both were commended by the Supreme President on their wonderful work. The Regional Banquet also honored Metropolitan Methodios of Boston with the 2015 Archbishop Iakovos Humanitarian award. His Eminence went on to say that AHEPA is a powerful ally in the battle to protect religious freedom here and overseas. Mayor of Boston, the Honorable Marty Walsh and Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the Honorable Charlie Baker, were also honored.

(photo By Alex Mavradis)
Supreme President Galanis was thrilled to be able to share his vision of AHEPA and as a complete surprise, was asked to receive donations to the St. Nicholas Campaign to rebuild the Church/Shrine at Ground Zero. AHEPA Chapter #110 donated $28,500. Athens Chapter #24 donated $2,000 and a $1,000 donation from AHEPAn John Polydouras rounded out the over $30,000 donated to the AHEPA project. AHEPA has surpassed the $250,000 mark and we are continuing our work to reach our goal!
Sons Advisor Jimmy Kokotas had the pleasure of speaking to the audience of the wonderful work of the Sons of Pericles and their recent donation of $10,000 to their St. Nicholas Fund raising efforts. Supreme President Galanis was very proud of the youth and pointed to them as the future leaders of our Order.

PSP Kouzounis joins SP Galanis to award AHEPA Medal of Military Service
On his continuing travels the Supreme President visited Houston Chapter #29 on Sunday November 8, 2015 where he was the guest of honor in awarding over 25 members the AHEPA Military Service Medal. The Medal is the center piece of the AHEPA Veterans Committee which has been communicated to all our chapters in an effort to honor our veterans. The Supreme President was visibly fighting back tears while awarding some of the Veterans their medal as they were from all combat eras, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Supreme President continued his journey to Dallas, TX on Tuesday November 10 and will be visiting Atlanta, Chapter #1 this weekend for the District #1 Regional Workshop. All in all the Supreme President has traveled over 3,000 miles in one week! Way to go!
Upcoming Events
November 14, 2015
Supreme President attends
District 1 Workshop in Atlanta, GA
November 19, 2015
Supreme President attends
AHEPA District #4
6 chapters celebrating 90th Anniversary Dinner
December 5
Supreme President attends Saint Basil’s Christmas Open House in Garrison, NY
Chapter 405 Initiation West Chester, NY
January 5, 2016
AHEPA Family Epiphany Banquet in Tarpon Springs, FL
January 6, 2016
Epiphany, St Nicholas Church in Tarpon Springs, FL
For current news and updates, please visit our web site
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