AHEPA Applauds Hellenic Caucus Letter to DHS Secretary

“AHEPA commends the Hellenic Caucus for taking swift action following October’s Summit on Greece to explore a substantive policy initiative that the American Hellenic community supports,” Galanis said. “With thenumber of sea arrivals of refugees to Greece exceeding a half million, and growing each day by the thousands, time is of the essence to assist Greece. We hope the Caucus’ initiative will yield a favorable response from Homeland Security that leads to the U.S. government lending its expertise to help our valued ally, Greece. We sincerely appreciate the bipartisan backing from the legislators who signed the letter.”
During the past several weeks, AHEPA conveyed its support for the letter to congressional offices.
READ & DOWNLOAD: Hellenic Caucus Letter to DHS
READ: UNHCR Report Sea Arrivals to Greece Hits Half Million
ICYMI: AHEPA Commends Hellenic Caucus’ Summit on Greece

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