Supreme President John Galanis attended the Testimonial Dinner in honor of Past Supreme President Phillip T. Frangos

E. Lasning, MI – Supreme President John Galanis attended the Testimonial Dinner in honor of Past Supreme President Phillip T. Frangos On August 29, 2015. Supreme President John Galanis spoke about the tenure of Frangos while serving the Order as Supreme President.
Galanis made mention of the tremendous events which took place while Frangos held the office. Whether discussing the St. Nicholas fundraising effort which was started during Frangos’ time or the AHEPA presence at the events in Selma commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the civil rights movement. The details of Frangos’ time visiting the newly elected SYRIZA govt in Greece and their Prime minister Alexi Tsipras, or the visit to the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople were also touched on. The event was a great way for the community to come in support of PSP Frangos and his family, all proceeds benefited St. Nicholas Fund Raising efforts.

Brothers of Ann Arbor Chapter 195 host SP Galanis
Ann Arbor, MI – In the days prior to the testimonial dinner for PSP Frangos, Supreme President Galanis visited his old alma mater in Ann Arbor, MI and had the opportunity to meet with the Ann Arbor Chapter #195 hosted by Past Supreme Governor Costas Boutsikakis. The Supreme President was delighted to be able to meet and socialize with the brothers.
Upcoming dates.
September 26, 2016
Lodge Meeting Washington, DC
September 27. 2015
PGP Anna-Helene Grossomanides’ Testimonial
September 30, 2015
Supreme President attend NHI event at the World Trade Center
October 7-12, 2015
Germany Region 10 Region Visitation
October 16-18, 2015
AHEPA Supreme President attends Archon Weekend event in NY
October 28, 2015
AHEPA Supreme President attends OXI DAY Events in Wash, DC
November 14, 2015 District 1 Workshop in Atlanta, GA
November 21, 2015
Gabby Awards Washington, DC
December 5
Supreme President attend Chapter 405 Initiation West Chester, NY
December 12
Saint Basil’s Christmas Open House in Garrison, NY
January 5, 2016
AHEPA Family Epiphany Banquet in Tarpon Springs, FL
January 6, 2016
Epiphany, St Nicholas Church in Tarpon Springs, FL
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