Introducing the Thrive eCourse: Putting You on the Path to a Healthier, More Fulfilling Life

When I talk about Thrive and the importance of realizing that burnout doesn’t have to be the price we pay for success, the question I am asked more than any other is: “Sure, but how do I go from understanding what I need to do to actually doing it?”
To answer that question, I created a six-week Thrive eCourse, which begins this Sunday, May 3rd, on
Since bringing together people from different parts of my life and facilitating interesting conversations have always been part of my Greek DNA, I’m most excited about the Thrive eCourse’s amazing roster of guest teachers. There’s Kobe Bryant, the NBA superstar, on his ultimate performance enhancement tools: sleep and meditation. Agapi Stassinopoulos, an author (who also happens to be my sister and personal meditation teacher!), speaks about the power of meditation to bring calm and perspective to our lives. Rudy Mettia, my beloved yoga teacher and the founder of Yoga Warrior 365, teaches us the simple, five-minute yoga exercises we can do anywhere — even at our desks. My dear friend and breathing teacher Joan Witkowski demonstrates the breathing techniques that can calm our minds, bodies and emotions so we can reduce stress in our daily lives. Warby Parker co-CEO Dave Gilboa discusses setting priorities and balancing personal and business goals when life is moving at a hectic pace. My older daughter Christina Huffington shares her story of recovery from drug addiction and the gratitude and self-acceptance exercises that helped her through. Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, helps us tap into our wonder and creativity and activate our joy triggers. My younger daughter Isabella Huffington, an artist and self-described introvert, explains how she has adopted certain daily habits that let her connect with others and enhance her work. And Wharton professor Adam Grant sheds light on the many ways giving helps us in business and in life.
I hope you’ll try the eCourse and introduce new habits into your life, along with all the benefits they can bring. By taking small, sometimes microscopic steps, we can have a transformational impact on our well-being, our capacity to tap into our own wisdom and to make a difference in the lives of others — in a word, to thrive.
Register today for the Thrive eCourse. Class begins on May 3rd and the early bird price of $49.99 – 15% off the regular price of $59.99 – ends tonight.
Thrive on!
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