Ο Αντώνης Κουζούνης από το Τέξας, νέος Ύπατος Πρόεδρος ΑΗΕΡΑ- Τιμήθηκε ο Κρις Τομαράς – (Full story)

Aug 27, 2013 @ 14:57 Edit


Ολοκλήρωσε τις εργασίες του το 91ο  Ύπατο Συνέδριο της ΑΗΕΡΑ που έγινε στο Orlando, Florida απο τις 18-24 Αυγούστου, 2013.
Ο νέος Ύπατος Πρόεδρος της οργάνωσης για το έτος 2013-2014 ειναι ο Αντώνης Κουζούνης, επιχειρηματίας απο το Houston, Texas.
Η Περιφέρεια (AHEPA HELLAS DISTRICT 25) πήρε τα περισσότερα και τα κυριώτερα βραβεία της ΑΗΕΡΑ.  Ανακηρύχθηκε η πρωτη Περιφέρεια σε αύξηση μελών, όπως συνέβη και με μερικά απο τα ελληνικά  Chapters. Φλόριδα.


The delegates of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), a leading association for the nation’s millions of American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes, elected Anthony Kouzounis, Houston, as their supreme president at the 91st Annual Supreme Convention, Orlando, Fla. Kouzounis ran unopposed in elections that were held Friday, August 23, 2013. Formal installation ceremonies were held Saturday, August 24, 2013.

“It is an honor to be elected AHEPA supreme president,” Kouzounis said. “The community continues to face a multitude of challenges that are important to address as the need for community service is relentless, both in the United States and abroad and the promotion of Hellenic ideals will always be a priority.”

He added, “I am excited to work with our seasoned Supreme Lodge and our membership to address these challenges and keep AHEPA on the steady path set forth by my predecessors in a spirit true to our mission.”

Kouzounis is a member of Alexander the Great Chapter 29, Houston. He has served AHEPA in numerous leadership positions including two terms as supreme vice president and all offices at the district and chapter levels. As supreme president, Kouzounis’ responsibilities include being the chief executive officer, and principal spokesperson, of the entire AHEPA domain, which includes the United States, Canada, and chapters in Europe.

SP Kouzounis taking oath 2013 Supreme Lodge


Election of AHEPA Leadership for 2013-2014

The AHEPA Supreme Lodge is the international governing body of the organization.

The 2013-14 Supreme Lodge is comprised of: Canadian President George Vassilas, Supreme Vice President Phillip T. Frangos, Supreme Secretary John Galanis, Supreme Treasurer Andy Zachariades, Supreme Counselor Gregory Stamos, Supreme Athletic Director Louis G. Atsaves, and Sons of Pericles National Advisor James Kokotas.

The eight Supreme Governors are: Region I: Nick Stathopoulos, Region II: Philip Yamalis, Region III: Ted Fanikos, Region IV: Nicholas Nikas, Region V: Tony Manolias, Region VI: Nick Kavadas, Region VII: Nicholas Dixie, and Region VIII: George Booras.

Elected to positions on the Board of Trustees were: George Loucas, Cos Marandos, and Nick Matthews. Matthews was re-elected.

AHEPA Family Elections: Two Re-elected as President

The organizations that comprise the AHEPA Family also held elections. Joanne Saltas, Salt Lake City, Utah, was re-elected Daughters of Penelope Grand President; John Ververis, Southington, Conn., elected Sons of Pericles Supreme President; and Angela Armstrong, Chandler, Ariz., was re-elected Maids of Athena Grand President.

Saturday’s Installation Ceremony of newly elected officers officially concluded the 91st AHEPA Supreme Convention, which began Monday, August 19.

The 2014 Supreme Convention will convene July 21-26, New Orleans, La.


Ο Κυβερνήτης Ελλάδος κ. Νϊκος Παπαδόπουλος επανεξέλεγη για δεύτερη συνεχή χρονιά ο AHEPA DISTRICT GOVERNOR OF THE YEAR.

Ένα από τα μέλητης ελληνικής “οικογένειας” των AHEPA’s o Γιάννης Μητρόπουλος, εξελεγη ο AHEPAN OF THE YEAR.

Σημαντικό βήμα για την περεταίρω εξάπλωση της μεγαλύτερης και αρχαιότερης οργάνωσης των Ομογενών των ΗΠΑ η ίδρυση του Region 10 που θα ονομαζεται AHEPA EUROPE και θα συμπεριλαμβάνει τα Chapters της ΑΗΕΡΑ στην Ελλαδα, την Κύπρο, την Ευρώπη και την Κωνσταντινούπολη.  Τα Chapters ειναι τωρα 41 με πανω απο 1,200 μελη.
Να σημειωθεί ότι στην Washington θα γίνει στις 13-14 Σεπτεμβρίου  το District Governors’ Conference.

Chris P. Tomaras Honored at 2013 AHEPA Supreme Convention


The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) held its 91st Supreme Convention in Orlando, Florida, where guests converged from across the United States. The event was held at the Loews Portofino Hotel between August 18-24, 2013, and culminated with the Grand Banquet on Friday August 23, where the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundations’ Chairman, Mr. Chris P. Tomaras, was honored.

The AHEPA Grand Banquet is the pinnacle event of the annual AHEPA Supreme Convention. It serves to honor excellence in the community as well as from within the organization. AHEPA Supreme President, Dr. John Grossomanides, presented Mr. Tomaras with the 2013 Academy of Achievement Award in Business. In accepting the award, Mr. Tomaras said “It is a huge and most valuable award because it comes from a huge and most valuable institution, AHEPA. It is the organization which, since 1922, has been the most effective, the most contributive, the most accomplished, the most admired and deeply respected Greek American civic organization in the world. I am truly overwhelmed and humbled by this honor.”

Mr. Chris P. Tomaras & AHEPA Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides

“Mr. Tomaras is a dedicated Hellene who shares AHEPA’s commitment to education as the founder and chairman of the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation,” Executive Director Basil N. Mossaidis said. “From his professional achievements, to his love for Hellenic ideals and principles, to his charitable work in the community, AHEPA is thrilled to present Mr. Tomaras with this well-deserved honor. We are proud to count Mr. Tomaras as an Ahepan because he truly fulfills the organization’s mission on a daily basis.”   He added, “We were all inspired by his eloquent acceptance remarks.”

The audience also received inspirational words from His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Congressman Gus Bilirakis, and His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I (via video clip); along with a few laughs from Basile the Comedian, who served as the program’s master of ceremonies. In addition, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus, George Chacalli, and Consul General of Greece in Tampa, Antonios Sgouropoulos, offered remarks.

During the course of the evening, more than $150,000 in grants and donations were announced by AHEPA family entities to worthy causes, including a plan to secure its fifth container filled with medical supplies to be destined for Evangelismos Hospital in Athens, Greece.

The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation salutes the continuing efforts of AHEPA and wishes them success in all of their future endeavors.
