Greece’s portrayal in international media

A recently published book has analysed the way Greece is viewed in the eyes of the world
The image problem Greece suffered in the eyes of the global media following the financial crisis that rocked the country has been analysed in the new book The Greek Crisis in the Media.
The author of the book, Dr Tzogopoulos – a research fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) – examines the country’s portrayal by the international press during the financial crisis, and contemplates the extent to which the country has received balanced coverage.
“What makes Greece unique compared to Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain is that our statistics are far worse. They show signs of large-scale corruption, tax evasion and alarming unemployment,” he said. Other factors setting Greece apart include “an unwillingness to build on political consensus” and the frequency and impunity of violent demonstrations, he argued. “When someone throws a Molotov cocktail in Greece he does not get arrested. Foreigners have realised that law enforcement does not exist in Greece,” Tzogopoulos said, acknowledging that demonstrations are prevalent in most of austerity-hit Europe.
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