Απεβίωσε ο ελληνικής καταγωγής τραγουδιστής Ζωρζ Μουστακί
Ο ελληνικής καταγωγής διάσημος Γάλλος τραγουδιστής και συνθέτης Ζωρζ Μουστακί, δημιουργός τραγουδιών που έγιναν κλασικά, όπως τα “Milord” και “Le Meteque”, απεβίωσε το πρωί της 23ης Μαϊου 2013 σε ηλικία 79 ετών, έγινε γνωστό από το περιβάλλον του.
Τα τελευταία χρόνια αντιμετώπιζε προβλήματα υγείας με την καρδιά του και χθες άφησε την τελευταία του πνοή στη Νίκαια της Γαλλίας όπου ζούσε. Ο τραγουδιστής και συνθέτης που αποτέλεσε σύμβολο μιας ολόκληρης γενιάς, στις 5 Μαϊου είχε γιορτάσει τα 79α γενέθλιά του.
Το 2011, ο Μουστακί, είχε κάνει γνωστό πως έπασχε από αναπνευστικά προβλήματα και πως η “μη αναστρέψιμη” ασθένειά του τον καθιστούσε “οριστικά ανίκανο να τραγουδά”.
Πηγή: Star.gr-cna.org.cy
Georges Moustaki was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on May 3, 1934. His parents, Sarah and Nessim Mustacchi, originally from the island of Corfu, Greece, were Italo-Greek Sephardic Jews, moved to Egypt, where Georges first learned French. They had a bookshop in the cosmopolitan city of Alexandria where many ethnic communities lived together.[2]
At home, everyone spoke Italian while in the street, the children spoke Arabic.[3] . His parents placed Georges and his sisters into a French school where they learned to speak French.[3]
Moustaki went to Paris in 1951 as an aspiring artist and was inspired by the young singer-songwriter Georges Brassens. He changed his name to Georges in honor of him.[1]
Moustaki sang songs in French, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, English and Arabic. After many hits he wrote for other singers, in 1969, Moustaki scored an international hit with the song “Le Métèque”, which he composed and sang himself.
He married Annick “Yannick” Cosannec when he was twenty years old and she was twenty five and in 1954 they had a daughter, Pia.
and had a large family in France, Brazil and Venezuela.
Georges Moustaki died on May 23, 2013 in Nice, France, after a long period of illness.[4][1]
(English from Wikipedia)
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