AHEPA to IOC: Overturn Wrestling Decision
AHEPA to IOC: Overturn Wrestling Decision
AHEPA Supports Congressional Resolutions Opposing IOC Decision
WASHINGTON – The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), a leading membership-based association for the nation’s millions of American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes, sent a letter to the head of the International Olympic Committee, Count Jacques Rogge, expressing the organization’s “deep disappointment” with the IOC’s decision to eliminate Greco Roman Wrestling as an Olympic sport in 2020 and requesting the IOC to overturn its decision, announced Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides.
In the letter, which was signed by Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides, National Athletic Director and Past Supreme President Ike Gulas, and Executive Director Basil Mossaidis, AHEPA argues that wrestling is one of the core Olympic sports, dating back to the ancient Games and the first modern Olympic Games. It has a widespread international following, including in the United States.
“Wrestling affords the opportunity for a significant number of countries to medal. For many countries, their sole Olympic medal is won in this sport. It is unfortunate that the IOC has decided to dash away the hopes and dreams of these countries,” the letter states.
Separately, AHEPA announced it will support congressional resolutions already introduced in both houses of Congress opposing the International Olympic Committee’s decision to eliminate wrestling from the Summer Olympic Games beginning in 2020.
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