Νέα καμπάνια για τα ελληνικά προϊόντα (video)

Μια νέα καμπάνια με τίτλο «Αυτές Τις Γιορτές Αγοράστε Ελληνικά» (This Holiday Season Buy Greek) ξεκίνησε για την υποστήριξη ελληνικών προϊόντων εκτός Ελλάδας και κυρίως σε περιοχές όπου υπάρχει μεγάλο ποσοστό ομογενών, όπως στις ΗΠΑ, τον Καναδά και την Αυστραλία. Τα γυρίσματα των 4 βίντεο έγιναν στο Hollywood και στo Beverly Hills της Καλιφόρνια Δείτε τα βίντεο |
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A new campaign titled “This Holiday Season Buy Greek” was launched to support Greek products outside of Greece and mostly in areas where there are large Greek populations such as in the U.S.A. , Canada & Australia. The campaign was shot in Hollywood, CA and Beverly Hills, CA by Greek director Konstantinos Mousoulis. Watch the videos |
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Please support our Initiative to help the people of Greece who are in need of a job While sending money to your relatives, opening accounts to collect money in order to cover a tiny hole of the Greek debt, and maybe bringing two or three friends over to America, Canada or Australia, may be a temporary solution, something more drastic is necessary. Today there are hundreds of jobs that can be done long-distance, with the use of online tools. For all those jobs that can be done remotely, consider to hire a Greek. We at Greek Reporter created hireagreek.com, so people from Greece can post their resumes and companies from around the world can browse them and hopefully employ them . There are hundreds of thousands of Greek-American, Greek-Canadian, Greek-Australian and Greek people around the world that are successful businessmen and can help the people of Greece, by hiring them to work for their company from Greece. Please consider to post job openings to our site. Πηγή: Greek Reporter |
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