Stand up for the rights of endangered Christian minorities around the world this Christmas season.

Prof. Nicholas Economides
Stern School of Business, NYU
Christians in the greater Middle East face extinction in their homelands. In Syria’s civil war, Christians who make up 10% of the population are targeted. Christians in Egypt (12% of that population) suffer social persecution and political exclusion. Christians in Iraq (1% of that population) face daily threats and violence. In Turkey, the number of Christians has plummeted to less than .1% due to systematic rights violations, including the oppression of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In occupied Cyprus, the Turkish military has essentially snuffed out Christianity to around 400 survivors. The administration should act now to protect the rights of these groups by calling on countries in the greater Middle East to protect religious freedom, especially that of their Christian minorities.
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Signatures needed by January 06, 2013 to reach goal of 25,000
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Prof. Nicholas Economides (photo in first page)
Stern School of Business,
NYU 44 West 4th Street,
New York, NY 10012-1126
tel. (917) 776-8777, (212) 998-0864
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